sexta-feira, 19 de março de 2010

If you help someone

'Tick Tock' by M Chel

It's a grey day.
The clouds are looming overhead,
The lightning waiting to strike.
The bomb starts to tick in my head.
Tick tock
Tick tock
Won't stop.
It's going to explode today.
Queer tick Carrapato
Poof tock Poof tock
Faggot tick Carrapato Faggot
Gay boy tock Gay tock
The butterflies start to fly in my tummy
They want to get out and fly away.
All these emotions deep down inside
Are bottled up waiting to burst out.
Tick tock
Fear comes..
I wander round, dodging the eyes that see through me, I wander round, My head down, trying to hide..
When will they get me?
It's my turn soon.

Bullying - by Heather D

I'm so upset
I can't go on
I want to die
They made me cry
They called me names
They pulled my clothes
They sprained my wrist
They broke my nose
They followed me home
They tripped me up
They stole my diary
They ripped it up
They really scared me
They made me bleed
One had a knife
One had speed
I didn't tell
I kept it quiet
Seven black eyes
My lip sliced with wire
I'm sorry, Mum
I'm sorry, Dad
Hope you understand Hope you understand
It was really bad
The hurt was too much
As well as the pain
If it didn't stop
I would have gone insane
I felt trapped
I felt alone
I couldn't cope
I was on my own
I went to bed
I cried all night
Every night the same
Until I died.

Seated in a bank

Seated in a bank
Looking at for the sea
Thinking about the life
As have-of conquering?
It has fear in this world!
It has fight…
It has anger in my heart
I have will to cry out
Therefore I am to despair
and I have exactly that to enjoy?
because I go to cry.


What is bullying ?

To frighten someone or threaten to hurt them especially if they are weaker or smaller than you.

What is a bully ?

Someone who uses their strength or power or hurt others.

What's bullying?

The expression bullying encloses aggressive behaviors of one or more students against another one, in a different relation of being able. Intentional and repetitive, this behavior that if manifest without apparent reason, involves the pertaining to school environment in an atmosphere of fear and anxiety. Bullying turned a species synonymous of pertaining to school violence. All type of aggression, either physical or verbal it, with the objective to humiliate and to ridicularizar incases themselves in the concept. More serious still it is to perceive that the attacked ones finish feeling itself guilty, because they are ugly, fat people, etc. The pupils, victims of the hostility that folloies them, many times during years, will be able not to surpass the trauma, becoming adult negatives, hostile and with low one auto-they esteem. Exactly being one of the main problems, ahead of as much others that permeiam the education of children and adolescents, the practical one of bullying only started in fact to be studied has more than ten years little. According to Aramis doctor Lopes: “The only way of if fighting bullying are through the cooperation of all the involved ones: professors, employees, pupils and parents. The measures taken for the school for the control of bullying, if applied well and involving all the pertaining to school community, will contribute positively for the formation of customs of not violence in the society”.

Anti-bullying animation